Our attorneys have advised clients on permitting and transactional matters stemming from complex environmental and water law issues.
Our environmental and water lawyers have experience in administrative proceedings, litigation, and permitting. They are also active in the regulatory development of environmental and water law at the local, regional, and state level.
Our environmental and water attorneys are based out of the Rio Grande Valley and are positioned to provide you with personalized representation in a broad range of matters, including:
Environmental Law:
- Permitting and Enforcement
- Water Quality (TPDES, MS4, Water Discharge Permits, Clean Water Act, Construction Permits)
- Municipal, Hazardous, and Radioactive Waste (MSW, RCRA, CERCLA, Waste Landfills, Used Tiresand Treatment Facilities);
- Liquid Waste Treatment and Disposal (Grit and Grease Trap Waste);
- Matters before the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Climate Change, International Environmental Law, and Energy and Infrastructure Project Siting;
- Land Use Litigation
- Treatment of environmental liabilities under bankruptcy law
- Litigation before the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH)
Water Law:
- Surface Water Rights
- Groundwater Water Rights
- Water Supply and Wholesale Water
- Water and Drainage Districts
- Certificates of Convenience of Necessity (CCNs)
- Water Supply Companies (WCSs)
- Retail and Wholesale Ratemaking
- International Water Law Issues